If you are anything like me you have multiple folders of apps for different countries on your phone. Driving around Iceland requires a lot of planning and preparation, that preparation should include downloading some apps that will help make your trip a breeze. Here are the must have Apps for Iceland, plus a bonus fun one!
1) SafeTravel
SafeTravel is a website and app created by the Icelandic Association for Search and Rescue. It has all sorts of weather and road condition information, plus current active alerts you may need to be aware of while driving around the country. The app also provides a lot of general information about driving in Iceland, such as road condition color codes, signs, and even an in-app driving test. SafeTravel also allows you to check in your location before a hike and contact emergency services.
If you only pick one app, make it this one!

2) Veður
Veður means weather in Icelandic, so the purpose of this app should be pretty straightforward! You can check the weather and forecast, plus any weather alerts, within this app.

3) Færð & Veður
Færð & Veður is a mixture of the SafeTravel and Veður apps. I found this app the easiest to use when I quickly wanted to check overall conditions. My favorite thing about this app is that you can also see photos of the current road conditions in different locations!

4) Easy Park or Parka
Paying for parking is very common across all of Iceland. Easy Park or Parka are useful for many parking locations, especially in Reykjavik and Akureyri. Skip wait times at the kiosk and pay quickly via the app. You can add your license plate into the apps up front to make parking and paying a breeze!
I personally found Easy Park to be the more user friendly app.

5) 112
112 is the emergency number in Iceland, and this app allows you to contact emergency services non-verbally and provide information that will help emergency services find you faster. You can also “check in” your location when hiking.
This app may not be available for all devices, but you can use SafeTravel in place of this app. Additionally the 112.is website is full of emergency information.
6) Aurora Forecast & Alerts
Aurora Forecast & Alerts is an excellent app for Iceland and other locations. It will show you the forecast for the Aurora Borealis, where the current best viewing locations are, and will alert you if the aurora is expected or visible in your location!
This one isn’t very useful in the summer due to the midnight sun, but if you are in Iceland between September and April it will be very useful!

Bonus –> Reykjavik Art Walk
Reykjavik Art Walk is a fun app that will show you all of the art you can visit around Reykjavik and the story about the art.
There is a ton of art around Reykjavik, so many sculptures and buildings with wall art. It is fun as you are walking around to get some information about all of the art you will see.
Are you planning a trip to Iceland?
Check out my Iceland Summer Packing Guide