
Hi! I'm Gabi

I’m an Arizona native and a full-time financial analyst. When I’m not working, I’m probably traveling or planning my next amazing adventure.

From a young age, I loved car trips and flying on airplanes. I took my first international trip at eight years old. Tagging along with my dad on a business trip, my mom and I toured London, Paris, and Dublin.

Even though my family has an abundance of photos of teenage me looking mildly annoyed on vacations, I loved every minute of the trips we took. This love carried into adulthood, and I’m now determined to visit as many unique destinations as possible!

Collage of photos. Top Left photo is Gabi, a brown haired woman in a hot spring bath looking towards the camera with a snowy mountain in the background. The bottom left photos are Gabi in a purple jacket standing in front of a tall waterfall and Gabi shrugging off a green jacket in a forest, looking towards the camera over her shoulder. Right photo is Gabi wearing a grey backpack walking away from the camera under orange and black Japanese Tori gates
Collage of photos of Gabi, The Fringe Explorer. Top Left photo is a brown haired woman in a white striped tank top and black shorts walking in a forest on a log. Bottom Left Photo is a grown haired woman in a cream sweater sitting in a Pokemon themed cafe smiling at the camera. Bottom Right photo is a brown haired woman with bangs wearing sunglasses and a green/white striped short and drinking butterbeer out of a plastic cup. Top right is a photo strip with two photos one of a woman standing on a black sand beach and the other of a brown haired woman stringing purple orchid flowers into a lei while sitting cross legged on the grass.

Countries I've Visited

The Bahamas / Belgium / Bermuda / Canada / The Cayman Islands / England / France / Germany / Greece / Haiti / Iceland / Ireland / Italy / Jamaica / Japan / Luxembourg / Mexico / Scotland / Spain / Turkey / The United States

21 Countries

States I've Visited

Alaska / Arizona / California / Connecticut / Delaware / Florida / Georgia / Hawaii / Idaho / Illinois / Iowa / Kansas / Maine / Maryland / Massachusetts / Missouri / Nebraska / Nevada / New Jersey / New York / Oregon / Pennsylvania / Rhode Island / Texas / Utah / Virginia / Washington

27 States